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This software contains sophisticated encryption features that make it a federal crime for you to do certain things with it, even inadvertently. Ignorance of these rules does not reduce your personal liability. Therefore please read the following guidelines carefully before downloading and/or using this software.

No Export List

You may not ‘export’ this software to certain countries listed on the Commerce Control List, which currently includes;

  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • Myanmar
  • North Korea
  • Sudan
  • Syria

Additional Restrictions

Additionally, this service or software cannot be used by the following people or organizations:

  • Belarus: Persons undermining democratic processes or institutions (including President Alexander Lekashenko and other officials).
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: Persons contributing to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Former Yugoslavia: Persons who threaten international stabilisation in the Western Balkans and some states of the former Yugoslavia.
  • Iraq: Specific individuals and entities associated with the former Saddam Hussein regime, as well as persons who have committed, or pose a significant risk of committing acts of violence that threaten the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq or undermine efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or make it more difficult for humanitarian workers to operate in Iraq.
  • Lebanon: Persons who undermine the sovereignty of Lebanon or its democratic processes and institutions
  • Libya: Persons associated with former leader Muammar Gaddafi’s regime
  • Russia: Persons believed to be responsible for the detention, abuse, and death of Sergei Magnitsky and other reported violations of human rights in Russia. Persons who undermine the peace, security, stability, territorial integrity and the democratic processes and institutions of Ukraine. Also persons administering areas of Ukraine without central government consent, also a number of senior Russian Officials close to President Vladimir Putin.
  • Somalia: Persons contributing to the conflict in Somalia.
  • Ukraine: Persons who undermine the peace, security, stability, territorial integrity and the democratic processes and institutions of Ukraine. Also persons administering areas of Ukraine without central government consent, also a number of senior Russian Officials close to President Vladimir Putin.
  • Venezuela: Government officials linked to the 2014–15 Venezuelan protests and those who the US government alleges have committed human rights violations
  • Yemen: Persons who threaten peace, security, or stability in Yemen.
  • Zimbabwe: Persons who undermine democratic processes or institutions in Zimbabwe, including a number of Government Officials.

This list is subject to change from time to time so please visit http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/forms-documents/doc_download/743-740 to get updates. This prohibition on ‘exports’ means you may not send the software itself to such countries but it also means you may not carry your own personal computer containing this software into or through such countries.

Anywhere in the world, even inside the United States, you may not transfer this software (or a computer containing this software) to certain persons or organizations or companies listed on the Denied Parties List. See http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/forms-documents/doc_view/452-supplement-no-1-to-part-740-country-groups for the current list. Such a transfer is a “deemed export” subject to federal Export Administration Regulations.

Do not deliver or transfer this software or a personal computer containing this software to a national or resident of a foreign country anywhere in the world without first checking the Denied Parties List. If the intended recipient is listed or belongs to a listed organization or company, you must contact the U.S. Department of Commerce, Information Technology Controls Division at (202) 482-0707 to apply for permission to make the transfer via an Export License. A transfer without the required license is a felony.

By downloading and/or using this Software, you accept full and personal responsibility for the custody of this software and agree to comply with all applicable export control laws and obtain all necessary licenses should you wish to ‘export’ any copies of the Software.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us.

VirtualShield welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement. If you believe that VirtualShield has not adhered to this Statement, please contact VirtualShield at:

VirtualShield LLC
2093 Philadelphia Pike #8787
Claymont, DE 19703

Email Address: [email protected]
Legal Inquires: [email protected]